There are five boarding houses at Kent College Senior School, three boys’ houses and two girls’ houses.
All of the boarding houses have House Parents who live in, and who are responsible for the welfare of the pupils in their house. The House Parents are assisted by Assistant House parents, House Managers and Resident Tutors, and between them they ensure the care of our boarders 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Younger pupils may be accommodated in rooms of up to four, while students in Years 12 and 13 are allocated a study bedroom of their own wherever possible. In each boarding house there are common room facilities for all pupils which include Sky TV, Wifi, kitchen and dining areas and games areas. Each house has its own character and style but all have similar rules and values.
“Boarding has allowed me to expand my qualities as a person; I am now more independent, I have more friendships and I have been given a confidence boost.”
House Parents: Beverley and Stephen Pocock
Assistant House Parent: Sally Faulding
House Manager: Mary Jones
Email | House Mobile
The full age range makes this a very special house for the girls, with Year 10 girls upwards taking responsibility for the younger pupils, and excellent relations between the older and younger years. Mrs Pocock and her family work closely with the house staff to create a really homely, family atmosphere. House buddy and mentoring systems play an important part in ensuring that all the girls are welcomed and cared for from the day they arrive. Events throughout the year include movie and pizza nights, facemask evenings, International evening (girls cook a dish from home), Christmas and Halloween parties, and a Summer BBQ and water fight.
House Parents: Sarah Horgan
Assistant House Parent: Jessica Bassant
House Manager: Lisa Gess
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A big, bright common room provides a focal point for life in Wesley House, where girls can meet to socialise and relax. The house is next door to the music and art blocks, so access for practise or extra work is very easy, and there is also a piano in the house. In many ways Wesley is a bridge between school and life beyond school – providing a safe environment for girls to become more independent and self-sufficient. House events include movie nights, Christmas party, Chinese New Year, and meals out in Canterbury. A Room prize is awarded each week, and boarders have regular catch up meetings with Dr Horgan and the house team.
House Parent: Linden Lockhart
Assistant House Parent: James Golding
House Manager: Mel Johnson
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The wide age range is one of the features of this boys’ house – another being the panoramic views across the Astroturf from the house common room! The mixture of older and younger boys, and the support network that operates across the house, is important for the creation of a strong and successful house ethos.
Boys are encouraged to take on responsibilities, and are able to apply for prefect roles from Year 11 upwards (earlier than in other houses). Guilford boys have a well-equipped games room with darts, table tennis and a snooker table, and Saturday nights are common room movie nights – complete with surround sound. A highlight of the year is the Guilford gourmet burger BBQ, open to all boarders and always hugely popular.
House Parents: Darren and Julia Scott
Assistant House Parent: Thanos Vostanis
House Manager: Terrie Middleton
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Gamon boys proudly sport their logo’d sweatshirts: ROAR. Respect Others Accept Responsibility is the motto of Gamon, and it reflects the open and respectful culture of the house. All Gamon boys are encouraged to ‘have a go’, no matter where their interests lie. Mentoring of the younger boys by their seniors is just one of the ways that boys are encouraged to fulfil their potential, and links with Gamon Old Boys are particularly strong. Gamon has regular termly get-togethers to showcase house talents (singing, magic…), team-building activities, football and touch rugby and BBQs. Boys have access to Sky Sports and Movies, and trips to the Curzon cinema are also a house favourite.
House Parent: Michael Hilderley
Assistant House Parent: Harrison Wells
House Manager: Val Woodcock
Email | House Mobile
Elfick’s big common room is a focal point for this friendly boys’ house, with frequent house events held there – many involving food of some description! The house has a great mix of nationalities and interests, and a reputation for being relaxed and sociable. There is a supportive and friendly prefect system, with mentoring and buddies for the younger boys. Events include house meals and parties, particularly the all-important Secret Santa at the Christmas party, and a leavers’ meal at the end of the year. There are also regular house meetings to discuss issues large and small that have arisen during the week.
We adhere to all the values of KC. Our principles are rooted in respect for yourself and those around you. Act justly in our community and take care of each other. We are open to each other, and we develop a curiosity to be lifelong learners.
Although living together, staff and boarders acknowledge the right of each other to privacy and expect kindness to all. Each boarder has the right to extend his or her intellectual growth in an atmosphere of positive ambition and in conditions that are conducive to learning. All boarders will build their resilience to develop physically, spiritually, intellectually, morally and socially and will leave school with humility.
We share in the aims of Kent College to:
- Be a caring Christian family community committed to the development of the full potential of each individual
- Maintain high educational standards in all academic, cultural and sporting activities, stimulating high excitement in learning and requiring discipline in study whatever the ability of the child
- Work with and within the communities it serves
- Worship as Christians in the Methodist tradition and uphold Christian values in practice as well as in theory, whilst welcoming members of other faiths (and none) in a spirit of openness and tolerance; and to make religious education a strong feature of the curriculum
- Encourage pupils in a critical examination of the standards and values current in society and to discover and develop a personal faith to guide them throughout their lives
“I really like boarding because it’s like having a new family and new amazing friends who are always supportive and motivating.”
KC Boarder