Pastoral Care is at the heart of what we do. Kent College has a reputation for being a friendly and caring school, and our pastoral structure is designed to give all pupils the support they need from the start of their school career to the day they leave. Our mission is always be pupil-centred and to focus on enabling every child to become the best they can be.
Our shared aim is that each student should feel safe in an environment that is conducive to learning and develops resilience, adaptability, resourcefulness, tolerance, diversity and fairness.
We recognise that good pastoral care should be reflected in all aspects of school life, through our ethos, the school environment and in the way that personal development occurs through the curriculum and the wealth of co-curricular activities on offer. The friendly atmosphere, together with positive, respectful and informed staff-pupil relationships demonstrate the success of our pastoral care.
Augustine House |
Becket House |
Chaucer House |
Marlowe House |
The four competitive School Houses form another important part of the pastoral life of the whole school. All pupils and staff of the Senior School belong to one of these Houses, which are called Augustine, Becket, Chaucer, and Marlowe.
Each House has a staff and a pupil Head. The Heads of the Houses, together with their pupil committees, organise a wide variety of House competitions and activities, and all pupils are encouraged to participate in these. In addition pupils may earn House points for academic and co-curricular merit, all of which contribute to the inter-House competition. Each term a cup is awarded in Final Assembly to the school House with the most House points for that term.
Pupils take great pride in representing their school House. Everyone in a Tutor Group is in the same House, and studenta wear House badges. House competitions range from drama and music, to chess, problem-solving, photography, sport, art and spelling bees.
The staff listed below are part of a much wider network of pastoral support within the College. Pupils may seek help or advice from:
- Tutors
- Heads of Year
- House Parents, Assistant House Parents and House Tutors
- Deputy Head Wellbeing and Pastoral
- School Counsellors and our Independent Listener
- The Chaplain
- The Head and Deputy Head
- Prefects or other trustworthy senior pupils
- Student mentors
- Medical team
Our top priority is that every student is safe and happy in school and every student has a member of staff they feel they can speak to whatever their concern.
We have a strong safeguarding team who are here for every student and available for you to speak to.
Mr Dan Bennett is our Deputy Head of Wellbeing and Pastoral at the College and is also our Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Our Senior Teacher Pastoral, Dan Bennett, oversees all aspects of student wellbeing and pastoral care at KC. He is also responsible for all disciplinary matters in the school and coordinates with the Heads of Year and Tutors to ensure the welfare of all students. Mr Bennett also acts as the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Kent College, and also manages the Medical Team ensuring excellent support and care is provided for day and boarding students.
To contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, please contact
All pupils have a Tutor and are part of a Tutor Group made up of several pupils in the same year group (though not necessarily the same teaching group). If a parent has any concerns about their son or daughter, then the Tutor is the first person they should contact, usually by email.
The Tutor:
- Sees their Tutor Group every morning for registration
- Is always available for support and advice, and to discuss any problems
- Is responsible for welfare and academic progress
- Is the first port of call for parents when contacting the school
- Keeps an eye on attendance and punctuality
- Monitors behaviour and involvement in activities
Sometimes a pupil may want to talk to someone who is not involved in the running of the school and he or she may ask for an appointment with the Counsellors.
Pupils can make an appointment through the Sister on duty in the Medical Centre or the Year Head. Alternatively, they may also contact the counsellors by:
In addition, there is a ‘drop-in’ service for which no appointment is required on Monday at 1-1.30pm and on a Friday at 1-1.30pm. There is also an Independent Listener, Mrs Charlotte Darby, who is introduced to the school at the start of each year. |
The Head of Student Personal Development is responsible for the development and implementation of the PSHE programme at KC with a particular focus on pupil mental health. She leads the PSHE Teaching team and works closely with all the pastoral teams. PSHE at Kent College acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people experience, beginning with the transition to Secondary School, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. Our PSHE programme of study teaches the knowledge and skills which will equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life. Students learn to manage diverse relationships, their online lives, and the increasing influence of peers and the media. At Key Stage 3, students build on the knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and values they have acquired and developed during the primary phase. At Key Stage 4, students deepen their knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills, and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during Key Stage 3. At Kent College we want to reflect the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others. At Key Stage 5 we want to ensure that students have the knowledge and understanding, skills, strategies and attributes they need for independent living and the next stage in their education or career. |
As all the pupils at Kent College know, our catering team are passionate about every aspect of food, where it comes from, how it’s cooked, and the wider implications of large-scale catering such as food waste and recycling. Every day our team of 15 chefs and 14 front-of-house staff are responsible for 1,000 meals at the Senior School and 200 meals at Kent College Junior School. All the food prepared at Kent College is cooked on the premises using local and trusted suppliers for meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. Not only does this policy help to support local businesses, it also guarantees freshness and quality, and helps to reduce the school’s overall carbon footprint. In addition, we are also able to source pork, lamb and mutton from the school’s own farm – last year we made 6,000 sausages from pork reared on the Kent College farm. The catering team caters for special diets such as gluten-free, or lactose-intolerant and works closely with the staff in the school’s medical centre to ensure that pupils with specific needs are well looked after. The kitchens also provide a wide range of snacks enjoyed by the pupils at break time, either in the main dining hall or in the school’s cafe, 1885. We understand how important food is for the boarding pupils in the school. Breakfast is varied from day to day to give pupils a choice of delicious cooked food, and there is always a choice at supper as well. Special occasions give the chefs the opportunity to cook up a feast – boarders’ Christmas lunch is always a big event with the menu designed around the boarders’ own requests. Last year it included home-made paella and pizza. Themed events including evenings based around Chinese or Italian food are also popular. |
MEDICAL | ||||
Our Medical Centre is in the centre of school, and has its own private entrance. Inside there is a modern, well-equipped surgery and several comfortable bedrooms. An experienced, qualified nurse is always available and pupils may access help with any health issues at any time. These do not have to be medical conditions or physical problems, we also offer support with emotional needs and lifestyle choices. Our doctor runs a surgery in the school Medical Centre twice a week. He is part of a practice at Cossington House GP surgery in the centre of Canterbury, where we can also access appointments if required at other times, and with a female GP. Our independent school counsellor, offers the opportunity for pupils to talk to someone in complete confidence, outside the disciplinary structure of the school. She has a private consulting room within our Medical Centre and visits every Monday afternoon.