KS2 - YEARS 3 TO 6 (AGE 8 TO 11)
These years are full of experimentation and adventure with the opportunity for pupils to try new things within our cheerful and compassionate community. We monitor the academic, emotional and social development of our children so we can intervene quickly when necessary to help our children navigate change.
As our children progress through the school the opportunities for leadership roles increase giving them the chance to learn through responsibility. Children move around the school more regularly visiting science rooms and the art studio and experiencing different learning environments. The use of ICT becomes an integral part of the learning process and as the first local Prep School to introduce iPads, we continue to be at the forefront of enabling our students to embrace technology as tools to enable independent learning.
The breadth and depth of experiences in enables each child to discover what they love, what they are good at, and where they need to stretch themselves. Together with our parents we create a vibrant, cheerful and compassionate community that lights the fire of learning in our children.
Year Three sees the children continue on their accelerated learning programme in Maths and English, enjoy a full and varied curriculum utilising specialist teachers where appropriate. We also introduce our GREAT (Gifted, Really Enthusiastic, Able and Talented) Programme at this stage as children of this age are entering their maximum skill acquisition years.The after school club programme extends to take in a full range of activities that has the facility to involve every child between four and six if parents require it. This further complements the wide range of curricular opportunities that are available during the school day.
Year Four sees the children continue with the accelerated learning and Great programmes. It also sees the pace of lessons and opportunities increase in ICT as they prepare for incorporating Digital Learning into the programme. There are also increased opportunities for Music with the Choristers being available to them and an increase in sports fixtures.
Year Five sees our accelerated learning programme being extended into Modern Foreign Languages with the children either building on the French that they have studied since Reception or learning Spanish. The children have four lessons a week at a time when their self confidence is high and the challenge of speaking in another language is an opportunity to be enjoyed. They may then study for their GCSE at the age of fourteen. All subjects are taught by specialist teachers from this age.
Residential Sports Tours for all are introduced for all children and an outdoor adventure camping trip further increases their independence. Year five also sees individual plans agreed for Senior School education and scholarship opportunities, in a meeting between parents and the Head.
Children benefit from seven sport lessons delivered by specialists each week; six Games and one PE lesson where they enjoy football, hockey, netball, cricket, athletics and a variety of other sports. In Year Six residential sports tours are introduced for all children and these take place each term. The tours are 1 or 2 overnight stays. This helps to develop independence and understanding of teamwork and decision making whilst the children and staff attending have a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
The children will be allocated to their ability set for Maths and English at the start of the academic year and these sets will be reviewed at least every half term. KS2 sees the GREAT programme extend and the introduction of formal fixtures. Children move around the school more regularly experiencing different learning environments.
Children benefit from five sport lessons delivered by specialists each week - four Games and one PE lesson where they enjoy football, hockey, netball, cricket, athletics and a variety of other sports. Children from Year Three will get to experience fixtures against other schools and all children will be selected during the course of the term.
Our Sports Day for children in Year 1-6 is organised by our sports team in the Summer Term, where parents can come and enjoy the occasion and see the benefits of the specialist tuition. All children get regular opportunities on Saturday mornings to participate in our regular athletics events held in our extension ground, where parents and families are welcome to watch whilst enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee.
Children benefit from two music lessons each week delivered by a specialist music teacher and perform on stage in the Harvest Celebration, Joy to the World, Christmas Carol Service and Parents Day. Children in Year Three can also join the Orchestra within the Music Department.
Instrumental tuition is available from Reception to Year Six on all standard orchestral and band instruments, singing, piano and guitar. It will normally be possible to receive a free trial lesson to confirm suitability for a particular instrument.
Children take a more prominent role in the number of performances throughout the year, and continue to enjoy an Expressive Arts lesson with a specialist teacher as well as two Art & Design lessons and a Drama or Art option with specialist teachers along with a variety of clubs and activities.
KS2 sees the GREAT (Gifted, Really Enthusiastic, Able and Talented) programme extend and a the introduction of formal sports fixtures. Children move around the school more regularly visiting science rooms and the art studio and experiencing different learning environments.
You are very welcome to see us before or after school if there is anything you need to mention briefly. For a longer discussion it is best to make an appointment. Parent academic consultation evenings take place in Autumn and Spring. A final written report is made in the Summer Term.
The breadth and depth of our extra- curricular programme is quite breathtaking, and we support and encourage our children to fully immerse themselves in school life and take full advantage of what is on offer.
We begin teaching at 8:30am and if children arrive at school before then they are able to go to early care which is in various classrooms from 8:00am. Any children attending clubs will be taken straight to tea break, after which they join their chosen club between 4:00pm-5:00pm and 5:00pm-6:00pm. Kent College offers 50 weeks provision a year for children in Pre-Reception to Year Six.
Kent College offers 50 weeks provision a year for children in Pre Reception to Year Six and during the school holidays parents can take advantage of our Holiday Club which is run by our KC staff. Holiday Club sessions are bookable online, and details are sent to parents by parent mail to register, giving you the opportunity to select the days and times you require care.